We shall open with a quote from Billy Budd, sailor from the complete short Fiction by Herman Melville: “Truth uncompromisingly told will
always have its rugged edges; hence the conclusion of such a narration is apt
to be less finished than an architectural finial”
Mr.Museveni and his agents have something that troubles me so
very much—their bed of lies—they have fortified a perimeter with a thick layer of egg shells and they expect anyone who comes near to it to
tiptoe with caution. And the agents present Museveni as a very delicate flower to us—they demand a very hard thing for me to offer: to be cuddled
and coddled at the same time. I have been wondering why our leaders have
made it their job to quell down all possibilities of an external audit of the
election results but I found a very simple theory: Candidate Museveni & his minions
know that he didn’t win the election,
so he has to condescend and peddle fiction as much as he can.The French revolutionary Jean
Jacques Roseau put it very accurately
for you and I: “Falsehood has an infinity of combinations but the
Truth has one mode of being”.
I heard and I
read that the agents of darkness are at it again—how do you repel Prayer? The
often talked about Terrorism in the Kayihura scare-crow terror threats
just go it real, how did Uganda Police miss out on alerting the Prayer warriors
of this very threat?Well,the often talked about terrorism is not anywhere off
the mark with anyone who bans Prayer.Actually,to put it more accurately, it is
treasonous and insane. A simple reminder: the national creed goes by the words,
FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY, how then would those minions survive being our
biggest enemies in a country dressed in colossal corruption? Do not answer
because unless you are saying Justice ought to be served, I am not ready to
listen to the ding-ding kumbaya my NRM kumbaya.
The renown Naomi Chomsky once remarked:
“It is pretty ironic
that the so-called least disadvantaged are the ones trying to protect all of us;
while the richest and the most powerful are the ones who are trying to drive
Society to Destruction”. Every second of
everyday, this statement makes so much sense to me.
I keep wondering
why the privileged few have that feeling that everything will always be
business as usual. Because, we do not even need a control experiment! Many of
them can use their present day selves and compare it with their yesterday. Many
of them have got rich and richer just because the insane and crass act of
conforming to evil caught up with them. The basic truth is that even when they
lash out at those who have the temerity to speak against the injustices of our government,
they are not having lesser nightmares. I know for sure the God who created us
visits each one of us every day, through the Holy Spirit in whom we find the
power to discern right from wrong.
Some say you can’t do anything, it’s just talk.
I know right, it
always seems impossible until it is done.But,a reminder, like the so many
liberation stories even that of 1986;it was once thought a joke—with just 27 men.
I have tried to not comment on the often gone bonkers stereotype that Museveni
is a god-send. While that may be true that leaders are sent from God, it is
also true that when Moses was left, Aaron and Joshua came through. Certainly; I
realize how much we may have to pick up our bibles and read. But precisely, as
is the case with Mr.Museveni, Pharaoh too had a kabed heart. And very many
terrible things happened; things that even affected the innocent ones. Today,
after so many years, the same stories are very real. There was a time for the Joshua generation to take on from the Moses generation and by every stretch of imagination,
thirty years for a country that goes by the word democratic should be long
are two things:
1. They can open their hearts. I think for the most part, the NRM
apologists are not necessarily bad people, they are people who have closed
their minds to only that which makes them happy—forgetting the plight of the
common man(those less fortunate than they are)—Indifference by definition. With
this, so much will be more of the same—we will have a very rotten care system
and we will still hear them cheer on the steady progress, we will have very
defiled justice system and the kumbaya song of steady progress will still ring.
There is a better alternative though, we can embrace Change. As I noted earlier
in one of my facebook expletives, this isn’t about Dr.Besigye or just the
opposition—it is about what offers something better and different from
yesterday; rather a future of action against the lip-service
decorum. Often the case with the current Museveni administration,
they amp people’s hope with just lip service and when time to account comes up,
they say sorry and promise to get back to us. Now that is the definition of
insanity—they promise a lot during their campaigns with uphill hopes but weigh
it down with their downhill habits. In the wise words of William
Sloane Coffin: “there are three
kinds of patriots: two bad, one good. The bad are the uncritical lovers and
loveless critics. Good patriots carry a lover’s quarrel with their country”
2. They can keep close minded and thwart the will of
the people from right, left and center—business as usual. I often hear
that the opposition has nothing better to offer. It is crazy how close minded
this sounds. Because, both on paper and practice, it has been proven beyond
doubt that the FDC to be specific has been an informer of what to do for the
Museveni government—this is a Fact. As long as the parliamentarians and all the
institutions running our government blindly follow this notion, we are
doomed—they barricade themselves under the pre-conceived notions or well-rehearsed
cynicisms; a manual for avoiding mistakes. At times, we need a reservoir of goodness;
that which we can find in the benevolent favor from God. The phenomenal Eleanor Roosevelt couldn’t put it better
for me: “a stumbling block to the pessimist is a
stepping stone to the optimist”. The pessimists could think that every
effort they put across will keep Dr.Besigye and his supporters quiet but that
isn’t going to happen, they are rather encouraging more of the defiance,
history as inference proves my theory positive: it happened with the 1789
French Revolution and the Civil rights movement with Dr.King in the 60’s, we
aren’t outcasts, it will happen here equally.
It is true.
For you have to
relate with the pain to feel the pain. Personally, I can’t do much but together
we can do so much. I know the ideas enveloped in the dire need for Change are
not just for a few, it is the majority, that’s practically why I use this
platform—to talk to millions, that together we can stand tall and claim that
which shouldn’t be given to us as a favor but rather as a right. One wise man, Simon De
Beauvoir once said: “In
order for an artist to a world to express, he must be first be situated in this world; oppressed
or oppressing, resigned or rebellious, a man among men”. Recently, I
responded briefly to the comments by Don Wanyama, a Museveni
apologist—that’s what I was talkingabout.
Many people have
bought their minds into a very faulty notion that they are powerless—just
because the odds are great, that’s a lie told by the evil spirits. Obviously we have the power to vote, demonstrate
and actively support the candidates of our Choice. Equally, and perhaps most importantly,
we have the power to resist the culture of Hostility gutting down our
politics—to act daily in ways that foster a culture of hospitality in our
humanity and our democracy can flourish. As Gregory
the 2ND tells his participants in his Fearless
Dialogue’s Project: “you can’t change the world
but every moment, you can change what’s happening within three feet of you”
The common-place truth: A time for everything.
I have wanted to
tell you a story about Dr.King once more. I did that earlier when I told you
the dream I have for Uganda on 12TH JANUARY 2016(that was just a few days the day we voted
in millions for Dr.Besigye).Since it has gotten this far and Darkness is light
for the NRM officially, let read this extract from Dr.King’s letter from a Birmingham jail: “society
must protect the robbed and punish the robber. Oppressed people can’t remain
oppressed forever; the yearning for Freedom eventually manifests”.
The bell is rung, pick yourselves up and do what you have to—reclaim your
rights whilst playing along with your duty as a Citizen; the role of a Citizen
is to protect his country from his government.
The problem of sin, when we have common grace.
Jesus wasn’t wrong
to die as a means to bridge the gap between mankind and the supreme deity. I
know some people have now decided to mess with this grace since they have swept
their crimes under the rug and got away with it.Now the problem is man has
willfully decided to play god in his myopic thirst for power—but, scripture in
Paul’s 1ST letter to the church of Corinth, he is very crystal
clear: “the ‘foolishness’ of God is wiser than the ‘wisdom’
of man”. A very great man of God, Gerard Manly Hopkins once wrote these
priceless words:
“I say more: the Justice man justices;
Keeps grace: that keeps all his going’s graces;
Acts in God’s eye what in God’s eye he is—
Christ—for Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely limbs, and lovely eyes not his
To the father through the features of men’s faces”
have said it before that we live in a nation devoid of Justice and I will say
it again with no remorse. In the word of Scripture, Proverbs 17:15 says:
the guilty and condemning the innocent, the LORD detests them both”.
Time and again we have seen this happen within our very corrupt institutions,
on this note, a very healthy warning from the book of Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put
darkness for light and light for darkness”
Let us re-learn
to be ashamed
No mistake—we are diving into the abyss, plunging right into the bowels of Hell.
Lies sink in really fast than truth has ever been. Society is torn between how
to raise the next meal for their families and the wicked means that is done.
Of course that worries me—the only developments that could halt this is if we
start to look beyond the day’s meal and shift focus to decency. We can do that
if we remove shame from our lives though; light might continue to be taken for
darkness and light for darkness till Christ returns maybe.
The two Revolutionary Modes: Non-Violent vs. Violent
I sign out, we will talk about my Preference for non-Violence—while at it, we
will get along to see Prayer and boycotts as earlier mentioned under my journey
of Activism & Advocacy
for Change. A long while ago, Dr.King
sent a telegram to Cesar Chavez as seen above, it read: “As brothers in the fight for equality, I extend the hand of
fellowship and good will and I wish continuing Success to you and your members.
The fight for equality must be fought on many fronts—in the urban slums, in the
sweat hop of factories and fields. Our separate struggles are really one—a
struggle for Freedom, for dignity and humanity”—this beautiful story goes on.
Chavez while appreciating Dr.King’s nonviolent strategy had
these beautiful words and more:
“In honoring Martin Luther King we also acknowledge
non-violence is a truly powerful weapon to achieve equality and liberation, in
fact the only weapon that Christians who struggle for social change can claim
as their own…….our conviction is that human Life is a very special possession
and that no one has the right to take it for any reason, or for any cause
however just it may be”—the mother of all coincidences is that by virtue
of the fact that I root for Dr.Besigye,I am a ‘criminal’ by association,
basically a good thing: I would rather be branded a ‘criminal’ by the agents of
darkness than lose my conscience just for an applause from those who have made
it their job to see me and so many others
in status number two—the second class citizen(s).
now and the time Justice is served—I do not know when but I will keep down on
my knees. In my fervent Prayers, I will basically focus on the restoration of
truth in our institutions and that those who are luckier than I am will learn
to empathize with their neighbors. Our ideological differences are real but
there is more that unites us than divides us—we are all Ugandans and above all
we are one race, the Human race. I tried to explain that when I was talking
about UBUNTU recently. We
talk soon—Grace Abaho Sr, INDEPENDENT BLOGGER.
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