When I wrote a piece for my role model, President Obama and his beautiful family, I thought I was saying bye with tears of joy and I wouldn’t be tempted to write anything again before I met him in person—well, I was so wrong, I have since written many pieces where his legendary name surfaces as a re-enforcer to my points [remember, as Mrs. Clinton said recently while delivering her acceptance speech, he is the ‘explainer in chief’].
What I have learned from this great man and his phenomenal wife, FLOTUS Michelle Obama, is absolutely beyond description: all I can say is that it makes me wake up each day with morale to work hard and one day inspire people like these two have inspired my person over the years. Yes, I have learned over the years that good deeds are contagious—we either do and write about them or live by them our entire lives.That maybe the greatest riddle of our time is the unforgettable question from the iconic Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr: “Life’s persistent and most Urgent Question is: “what are you doing for others? I have seen President Obama do a zillion things not only for the best of the United States but rather the whole world, for that I am utterly thankful for his unflinching sacrifice for the common good of his fellow human siblings. President Obama has been a strong father, a great husband to Michelle Obama, a legendary President and certainly a legendary universal citizen. This article will chronicle some of the memories that have been and will continue to ennoble me as I chase my dreams. I will start off with a video clip to Michelle and Barack, read on.
The beautiful first family:Photo taken off the web |
I have often said to those who question the praise that I sing for President Obama; ‘he isn’t an angel’, but the life he has led is one any sane human being should pride in—and hold by the handle, there are very many life-changing lessons, especially if you want to dial back optimism into your life. For me, as I write this, I cast my faith card that if I stay on track with what I have learned from this great man; I am going to be everything that I have for a dream: when I meet with him, part of what I intend to do before I leave the face of the earth, I want us to reminisce about these things and take a good laugh together. I want to tell him,Mr.President,lets take a good look down memory lane, see how absolutely phenomenal you have been to the world—indeed, as Mark Twain once said, you have lived the second most important day of your life: doing what you are meant to do, that’s what I want to do with my life equally.
President Obama and his dear wife Michelle Obama, the first lady of the United States, have led a very exemplary life not only for their children [Malia&Sasha] but for everyone: especially more, the future presidents of the united states, in earnest; there is a lot the future leaders of this greatest nation on earth have to take from Barack & Michelle.Personally,FLOTUS Michelle Obama has set the bar so high for the woman I will have for a wife in wife, I have vowed not to settle for anything less than Michelle Obama & Hillary Clinton: because, I am going to work each day to be like President Obama & Bill Clinton, a win-win situation for me—Michelle Obama is Awesome .
POTUS OBAMA & his beautiful Michelle |
President Obama has time and again sung praise to his beautiful wife Michelle Obama; and how he affectionately loves her; adores her curves and how he is lucky to have her for a wife. I have also seen and heard President Obama tell the world how being a dad to his beautiful daughters his first job, for all these he is completely accurate, indeed he is a very blessed man: with Michelle and the girls. In one of the interviews with US magazine two years ago, he is quoted saying: “the fact that they got a tall, gorgeous mom who has some curves, and that their father appreciates, I think is helpful’, Obama said of his kids Malia and Sasha, he went on to say, “when you are a dad of two daughters you more’, he explained. “When I was a kid, I didn’t realize the enormous pressure that young women are placed under in terms of looking a certain way”. In a very interesting interview with Barbara Walters a while ago, Michelle says words that are very fundamental for this this paragraph, about happiness, she says: Happiness is family—the health of family—just to keep it short. I could go on and on, but when my family is good, I am good.
“it is hard to eulogize any man—to capture in words not just the facts and the dates that make a life, but the essential truth of a person—their private joys and sorrows; the quiet moments and unique qualities that illuminate someone’s soul. How much harder to so for a giant of History, whomove a nation toward justice and in the process moved billions around the world”, he went on to say [PS: I love this part], “Given the sweep of his life, the scope of his accomplishments, the adoration that he so rightly earned, it is tempting to remember Nelson Mandela as an icon, smiling serene, detached from the tawdry affairs of lesser men. But Madiba himself strongly resisted such a lifeless portrait. Instead, Madiba insisted on sharing with us his doubts and fears; his miscalculations along his victories. ‘I am not a saint”, he said, “Unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps trying”. I remember I was doing my last papers for my first college degree but that week, I mourned and celebrated this icon’s life achievements—every time I had, in President Obama’s beautiful speech, I found solace no one else could give me; for that I am thankful!
“A man’, wrote an Irish man poet, “is original when he speaks the truth that has always been known to good men”, Beau was an original. He was a man of character. A man who was deeply loved and loved in return, he went on to say [words that helped so much as person and always will]: “without love, life can be cruel. Sometimes cruelty is deliberate—the action of bullies and bigots, or the inaction of those indifferent to another’s pain. But often, cruelty is simply born of life, a matter of fate or God’s will, beyond our mortal powers to comprehend. To suffer such faceless, seemingly random cruelty can harden the softest hearts, or shrink the sturdiest. It can make one mean, or bitter, or full of self-pity. Or, to paraphrase an old proverb, it can make you beg for lighter burden.
Obama weeping while addressing the Sandy Hook Shootings |
His message of reconciliation with the `past [when Dylan Roof and his race war instinct killed many]—At the honorable reverend; Clement Pinckney’s funeral, I must say if the perpetrators of hate and bigotry had listened well-enough, those words would have certainly made it impossible to have the careless mistakes we have seen since. In very articulate healing words, he said:
“The bible calls us to hope. Topersevere, and have faith in things not seen. ‘They were living by faith when they died. Scripture tell us. “They didn’t receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers here on earth”. Talking about Reverend Pinckney [and I am more interested in this], he said: “He embodied the idea that our Christian faith demands deeds and not just words; that the ‘sweet hour of prayer’ actually lasts the whole week long—that to put our faith in action is more than individual salvation; it’s about our collective salvation; that to feed and close the naked and house the homeless is not just a call for isolated charity but the imperative of a just society”—as I wrote recently, this is what we talk about when we talk about collective salvation: STRONGER TOGETHER: ‘EUREKA’
“The bible calls us to hope. Topersevere, and have faith in things not seen. ‘They were living by faith when they died. Scripture tell us. “They didn’t receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers here on earth”. Talking about Reverend Pinckney [and I am more interested in this], he said: “He embodied the idea that our Christian faith demands deeds and not just words; that the ‘sweet hour of prayer’ actually lasts the whole week long—that to put our faith in action is more than individual salvation; it’s about our collective salvation; that to feed and close the naked and house the homeless is not just a call for isolated charity but the imperative of a just society”—as I wrote recently, this is what we talk about when we talk about collective salvation: STRONGER TOGETHER: ‘EUREKA’
President Obama’s love for the environment is something that will forever be remembered in the Politics of this Universe. He has met the very ugly critics [the republicans who think global warming is a myth [; but soldiering on, taking it to the World Paris Climate Change Summit with thorough and stellar explanations could never explain better the always challenged; but never equaled intelligence of this man.Back home, the republican cynics who are only good at yammering and bickering, would rather listen to these words if they are so averse to reading them: “Nearly 200 nations have assembled here this week—a declaration that for all the challenges we face, the growing threat of climate change could define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other. What should give us hope that this is a turning point, that this is the moment we finally determined to save our planet, is the fact that our nations share a sense of urgency about this challenge and a growing realization that it is within our power to do something about it.Our understanding of the ways human beings disrupt the climate advances by the day.Fourteen of the warmest years on record have occurred since 2000—and 2015 is on pace to be the warmest year of all. No nation—large or small, wealthy or poor—is immune to what this means”. This ends with a reminder that back at home Michelle is insisting, go veggy,oh how sweet!: the world has been so blessed to have you, in earnest.
nothing baffles the achemes of the enemy like a composed soulit is Barack that has had the highest approval ratings since Bill Clinton. He has certainly earned the recognition and to slide his legacy to a bigoted demagogue that Donald Trump is would be ‘sanity insanity’. So, it is and will be Hillary Rodham Clinton, first female President of the United States. From what I see, the solid maths is that surely History is going to be re-written for the second time.
Grace Abaho Sr, maximum respect to you in Jesus’ name. Thank you so much for the article. With busy life sometimes, I don’t watch the news; check the internet or read newspapers so you helped me catch up with a lot. Loved it, loved it and loved it.Grace,in life some people will not give you positive criticism because they want you to feel worthless, bring you down or lower your self-esteem. Ignore them and focus. Just don’t forget to kneel before God and commit your passion/plans in his hands. Remember: ‘WHEN YOU KNEEL BEFORE GOD; EVERYTHING ELSE WILL KNEEL BEFORE YOU.WHEN YOU FOCUS YOUR EYES ON GOD; EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FOCUS ON YOU’. You gona be one of the greatest writers the world has ever known in Jesus’ name. Keep it up and God bless”
Diana has insinuated that I look like President Obama before, so I took myself to the test and that’s what I found. If you haven’t laughed throughout the article, here is the time for you to take a good laugh, read on. If the Lord answers the Prayers, when I meet up with President Obama, one of the things will be to ask him to take the mirror with me and see how resemble.Maybe, I said maybe, we could be related: between now and then, my faith card is cast and I continue to ask the Lord to bless President Obama and his family, President Bill Clinton and his family, all those that have supported my writing career in ways possible and that America will go to the voting booth in November and elect Hillary Clinton for a massive win she deserves. Amen
I wanted to refer you to read the Last Lecture: Achieving your Childhood dreams by Randy Pausch. It will resonate with your article
ReplyDelete"If the Lord answers the Prayers, when I meet up with President Obama, one of the things will be to ask him to take the mirror with me and see how resemble." lovely
ReplyDeleteIf the Lord answers the Prayers, when I meet up with President Obama, one of the things will be to ask him to take the mirror with me and see how resemble.
ReplyDeleteThanks to Obama. I learned what love of Country really means.I don't take my freedoms for granted.I Became a Fighter for my Country and My Beliefs.I'm not afraid to stand up for what I believe is wrong.As we have a New Beginning with President Trump...Hope & change has a New Meaning for me, not just words. God Bless America!