wallpaper and I almost fought a duel to point of death, to take over on my
phone and laptop screen saver space, but I had to give up very easily because
these beautiful words come from one of the most inspirational people in my life. President Obama you are a very
blessed man, no wonder you immediately proudly tweeted: “incredible speech by an incredible woman.Couldn't be more proud and our
country has been blessed to have her as FLOTUS.I love you, Michelle”. Michelle
Obama stole the show, rather perfectly it turns out—and then there was
Sen.Booker,they certainly had to be prime speakers, leave alone for Sen.
Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders who never minces words when it comes to putting Donald Trump in his place.
have waited for this day, almost very impatiently, until it dawned—it was a
very rewarding night for me here in Uganda after the continuous and disastrous
bigotry from the Trump camp. I must say with pride that if there is anything
that reveals the greatness of America, it is the eloquence in the words of the
speakers on the very first day: we are stronger together, Hillary Clinton must be
the next President, and we will do everything we can. I must say that everyone
who took that platform was crystal clear painting the picture very vividly on
the lame rhetoric offered by the bigoted Donald Trump that America isn’t
great—and he alone can make it great again, building stupid walls(as Sen.
Warren noted) and insulting every living thing that disagrees with his divisive
and crass hateful remarks.
Sen Cory Booker speaking at the Convention |
the recent article where I talked about
the veep pick, I profoundly cited the veep-pick very rich list of highly
quailed candidates the Clinton Campaign. I must say that Sen. Cory Booker is proof positive that indeed the team
is just magnificent. He was clear with the words, ‘we can’t
be seduced by cynicism’, over to you Donald Trump—that’s your word salad
and you have no escape route, and you have earned it. It is not even just scary
anymore that the very existential threat to the greatness of America (who
ignorantly claims it is not great) continues to lose some American illiterate
voters—that’s terribly worrisome, and this is because with the kind of the
growing bigotry groupie, even when Hilary wins in November (which she will),
they will still be a threat to the Peace: President Obama the other day soundly
put it accurately, I will leave it here.
Sen Bernie Sanders speaking at the Convention |
lot has been said about Mrs. Clinton being
the most qualified, to most intelligent and certainly the president that will keep the Obama Legacy intact—whiles progressively improving
on the areas that are still lacking. I find everything that absolutely true.
She is a class act and we know this so well from the very facts that she has
been witch-hunted almost her entire political life but she is always a winner
through and through. Just a few days ago, the bromance between Putin and Donald
Trump led to the wikileaks, a Moscow-led campaign to negatively affect the
November election [for Hillary Clinton, in favor of the Donald], the single
most reason is because Vladimir Putin fears Hillary Clinton and would rather
work with the crass Donald Trump—the menacing reality is that it wouldn’t take
Donald Trump to insult this war monger: this jeopardizes not only the peace of
America but rather the whole world.
phenomenal Hillary Clinton and many other
people—particularly, Sen. Warren[the twitter
queen, onhitting Donald Trump where it hurts]
have advised Donald Trump to try listening not only to himself but other people;
as a means for him to learn new things but he remains adamant and very loyal to
ignorance—calling very powerful and respectable women ‘crooked and goofy’. I am
also going to propose something that might help him in equal measure, that’s if
he listens anyways.Sharon Salzbergwrites
very powerful words in her book, the Kindness
rebellion: “culture may tell us to
scorn the co-worker we think receives validation from our boss than we do. But
what would happen if we examined our scorn instead in order to learn about our
relationship to our co-worker?”—that’s a thing
republicans have failed to do for so many years, Hillary Clinton has
worked so hard and she will do the job.
Donald Trump meme.Photo taken off the web |
want to be very clear, I want to be more eloquent, I want to shut Donald
Trump’s stupid rhetoric ‘Make America Great Again’ down once and for all. I
want to do this by borrowing the words of the talented human rights activist, Suzzy Kassem: ‘A NATION’S
vastly improve your country and make it great again, start by choosing a better
leader. Do not let the media or establishment make you people from the people
they choose, but instead choose from those they do not choose, one who
identifies with the common man on the street and understands what the country
needs on every level. Do not pick a leader who is only money- driven and doesn’t understand or identify
with the common, but only what corporations on every level.
Pick a peacemaker. One, who unites,
not divides. A cultured l leader who supports the arts and true freedom of speech,
not censorship. Pick a leader who will not only bail out banks and airlines, but
also families from losing their homes—or jobs due to their companies moving to
other countries. Pick a leader who will fund schools, not limiting spending on
education and allow libraries to close. Pick a leader who chooses diplomacy
over war. An honest broker in in foreign relations. A leader with integrity,
but not sly. A leader who encourages diversity, not racism, One who understands
the needs the needs of the farmer, the teacher, the doctor and the
environmentalist—not only the insurance or pharmaceutical lobbyist.
Pick a leader who will keep jobs in
your country by offering companies incentives to hire only within your borders,
not one who allows corporations to outsource jobs for cheaper labour when there
is national employment crisis. t and preservation, not destruction. Truth not lies.
importantly, a great leader must serve the best interests of the people first,
not those of multinational corporations. Human life should never be sacrificed
for monetary profit. There are exceptions. In addition, a leader should always
be open to criticism, not silencing dissent. Any leader who doesn’t tolerate
criticism is afraid of their dirty hands being revealed under the heavy light.
And such a leader is dangerous, because they only feel secure in the darkness.
Only a leader who is free from corruption welcomes scrutiny; for scrutiny
allows a good leader to be even a greater leader.
lastly, pick a leader who will make their citizens proud. One who will stir the
hearts of the people, so that that the sons and daughters of a given country
can strive emulate their leader’s greatness. Only then will a nation be truly great,
when a leader inspires and produces citizens worthy of becoming future leaders, honourable decision makers and peace makers. And in these times, a great leader
must be extremely brave. Their leadership must be steered only by their choice,
not a bribe”—an excerpt from Rise Up and Salute the
Sun: The writings of Suzzy Kassem.
Mrs.Clinton & her running mate,Sen.Tim Kaine |
not the leaders Donald Trump is and that’s why #TeamHillaryUganda continue to present to you a leader(s) who will not play the sly make America
Great Again dictum but will rather do all it takes to keep her great—giving a
decent minimum wage to every working American, access to an affordable
healthcare care, an affordable education to all college students not just for
the privileged few but for everyone and among very many other things; a
visionary and inclusive Democratic progressive
platform—this will be through the very well qualified duo,Clinton-Kaine.Go to the voting booth in November
and cast your vote for the only team that sincerely cares about the American
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