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Dr. Besigye won, I congratulate him.

Allow to begin on this note where i reference the bible:
Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified or discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go”
Psalms 32:10: “Many are the woes of the wicked but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him”
Romans 8:18: “I consider that our Present suffering is not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us”
 Gradually, it will add up and here is why;

You have heard about the historic 2016 election in Uganda, though the most heart-wrenching in the history of the Ugandan electorate. It is with sadness that I write this dissertation with some of the key things I have captured through the campaign trails. I have to say before I go into the nitty gritty that Dr.Besigye, though cheated was my choice candidate, and for millions of Ugandans. He has been arrested unnecessarily for fifty two times( I am worried  they may even pick him up before I finish typing this).I didn’t mince words when I shared my admiration for this iconic legend in the fight for  Freedom:

During and through the campaigns, our leaders made very outlandish statements’ cannot still understand how a secretary general of ruling party (Kasule Lumumba) finds the audacity to proclaim that anyone who protests when the votes are rigged will be shot at at(something the Uganda Police have out rightly done, shooting and killing People).This in conjunction with what Mr.Museveni had earlier said: “I will not hand over power to the opposition” and his partner in crime the inspector general of Police Kale Kayihura said: “We will not let the opposition take over power
I can’t even find the nerve beyond broken what to express the rage, anger and disappointment I have with our top notch leaders who now see an independent country (53 years ) with a constitution s family business. Worst case scenario, I have reached a point where the hope that these kinds of statements are not going away soon, quoting the president after the declaration of the president-elect (himself, of course) vowed: “I will crush the opposition in the next five years”.

Well, Mr.Museveni has tried to crush the opposition but failed the last fifteen years, actually every effort he makes embarrasses him and the opposition grows stronger each day.
What Mr.Museveni and his minions have done perfectly is scatter the skeletons of their hypocrisy right outta the closet while at once making a mockery of their usual “show of democracy”. I have wept tears of Joy and pain at once. I still don’t understand how parents stand out there and applaud such animosity forgetting that when they are gone, the effects of what the ugliness they are planting now will catch up with their children and grandchildren, looking at Museveni as a spirited patriotic as he oversteps the law to sustain himself on his throne. The no change of Museveni kind of people being tone-deaf about the realities of a common man are infatuated at a very personal level: to describe where they live, it’s a place that explains how reluctant they are to confront and imagine the realities of a life of the less privileged, where many of the Ugandan populace still fall. Unfortunately, they have enthusiastically decided to promise better every campaign trail but never deliver, this is what I earlier called Museveni’sslew of lies:
If Mr.Museveni were an honest man, if asked whether he has done this other than promising them on the campaign trails, he would say he is guilty as charged.Today, there are 83 percent unemployed youth, how do you even begin to explain that?

At the debate(s) where Mr.Museveni appeared just at the second debate, when Dr.Besigye was asked whether he calls the kind of dictatorship a pseudo dictatorship he said: “it’s an outright dictatorship, not a pseudo dictatorship”. It was one of those cringe –inducing moments for Museveni I have ever seen,while at the historic debates:

As you read, we have never had a peaceful handover, and maybe it may not be here soon as the events have unfolded the last couple of days. Dr.Besigye has often called us upon having the power to the people not in the hands of the president, I totally agree as evidence speaks for itself very clearly. Mr.Museveni and his minions  don’t agree to this fact-yet the harrowing upheavals of the common man; while they dub the progress steady; are telling of their unflinching love for their comfort zone.Surely,I have never met a group so averse to truth like this one, but I found an explanation:
The Musevenist; want to be coddled and cuddled; they have painted their god-Museveni as a soft delicate flower that ought to be held with care. HELL NO! Save that bullshit for tomorrow.  Mr.Museveni has called almost everyone who breaks the mold of conformism and calls him to his ineptitude a liar but well, that’s what a man whose want for stamina continues ailing does however much he tries to renovate it.

The word of God is very crystal clear in the book of Proverbs 17:15: “acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent, the LORD detests them both”. We live in a nation devoid of justice and hostile to truth. We live in a nation that acquits the guilty, condemns the innocent, calls good evil. Once you come to terms with this, you will never be shocked by anything no matter how outrageous, depraved, wicked et al .The good can only win a case in a nation where justice exists, sadly, we do not live in such a nation.
No decent person would applaud such a turn of events. If you try to take their side and cheer them while they evade accountability, you are a deeply troubled human being.

This will have a very tough sell in the ears of someone who hates the truth but this one time, please try and deal with the heart-wrenching truth that you continue to lay claim to as not truth on the flip-side. Actually, you should be filled with immense affection for me when I call Mr.Museveni a very ‘smart man’ who does things by ‘intelligent design’. Or maybe now that you have melted into a boiling puddle of rage and self-pity. Havent you? It shouldn’t matter that my criticisms are sharp and severe; you ought to revere me all the more for it.Now let me say this very loudly, ‘I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR ANGER’,I have been through that stage and I have now graduated to indignation. I will congratulate you if you ever get where I am right now! Yes I have been angry and super angry as I see you and your boss call selfish progress steady progress and I am calling you to this outright hypocritical villainy. Right down the list of your anger, you are blithely embracing every single thing you are angry about: Mr.Museveni; an embodiment of corruption, elitism and cultural hegemony.
I would be mentally ill to support something that I am avidly angry about or I would rather be fantastically stupid or not angry at all.
Bear with me: with the 83 percent unemployed youth(to which I am party yet highly qualified),an economy that has gone in the ‘toilet’, the continued monetization of Politics, the poor healthcare, the poor quality education and decrepit schools for the common man, the partisan policing and defiled systems—look ,we no longer have a functioning constitution!
Now let’s talk about the just concluded elections. By the way, you should doubly love what I am doing here because it appears very close to apophasis, which is a rhetorical device where the speaker coyly makes an accusation or insult in the context of denying or distancing himself from the unkind remark. For instance, “Many people think my neighbor Badru is a thieving jerk who borrowed my garden hose last July and didn’t return it, but I am not going to talk about it”—that kind of stuff.Mr.Museveni and his agents use that a lot (if you remember how we begun) but we can’t wait now to spill the dirty laundry any more. No way, No more, No, Museveni!
Allow me to be painfully honest about this. If there are not hiding anything behind closed doors, why then do they evade all avenues that will clear the air, if this open letter I earlier wrote to Mr.Museveni was listened to:

And I can’t afford to live out the Uganda Electoral Commission boss Mr.Badru Kiggundu; he equally has his role play in this whole thing. Actually, he is one of the architects. I leave one for him, as well:


I want to call upon all the authority figures to try and much as they can to do this for me.About Dr.Besigye’s supporters: they want someone to protect them and their way of life(a life very miserable and way-different from that of the privileged few).vilifying them will not change their minds. Listening and expressing empathy is the only path to light .Of course, doing this requires that we face our own fears first. This is the greatest challenge we as individuals   face through the evolution and awakening of our collective human consciousness. This way, we all win, Peace and security wins: “ONE UGANDA, ONE PEOPLE”.I do not write this as an authority figure but only as a citizen who is very much worried and cares about his contry.Where I overstate the truth, bear with me and forgive me.And, where I am short of the truth, I pray the LORD shines a light in those places~Grace Abaho Sr, P10 AUTHOR.


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