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Finding oneself: who are you?

Finding oneself, who you really are , is one of the hardest tasks in anyone’s life. There are several small voices that keep telling you how you aren’t enough. Voices that short-change the course of what you should be doing and where you should be. For the most, it is society. Society can be very cruel; telling you what you can do and what you can’t do emphatically: society hardly looks out for your strengths, it strangles you, telling you how less important you are. It can get to your head and make you hate yourself and what you love doing, just to conform; it can make you beg for lighter shoulders. Recently, I was telling a friend how I am dealing with impostor syndrome, I am at a point in life where I have lost confidence in myself in things that even society knows that I am really good, like writing. I am only lucky that I still have great admiration for reading. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, as is reading. In finding the meaning of life, I have had to walk so many jo...
Recent posts

How YouLead Summit re-ignited my spark of genius.

I am proudly associated with YouLead; arguably East Africa’s largest youth gathering. I started with this program (summit) since its inception , in 2017. I had been running a campaign for a coalition I founded, for the Clinton campaign , in 2016, lost an election, had my dreams shattered, and got terribly depressed. I was not sure I would get right back up into anything to do with writing in the shortest time possible: the pain was very unbearable for me and gut wrenching. For almost a full year, I was very depressed, deactivated my old Facebook page and went in the dark. Then one day, someone shared with me a link calling upon bloggers across East Africa. I had built my name as one of Uganda’s finest, with a very big readership but my energies were so low. I wasn’t sure I wanted to do blogging anymore. But, I also needed a new inspiration, something to give me life, to breathe anew. It was a purely volunteer call, no compensation was mentioned but were to be fed and housed the whole ...

Appropriation: Dear black People, don’t apologise for being.

There is no shame in being black. It is not a crime to be born black. It is not privilege but it doesn’t make you less than. It is very sad, that more often than not, we re-live the very absurd history of making a black man a second class universal citizen. This world continues to make us look like aliens, as some world leaders , shamelessly , have called their fellow human beings for not being born like them, and /or sharing the same privileges.  To be born black is to be human, not a death ticket. To be born black is to be made for greatness, like all our fellow human siblings. To be born black is to a recipient of pure unadulterated love, in equal measure in as much as we give. To be born black is to expect and receive, respect. The underlying malady in expecting is that people see and use it for vulnerability; they see it as a ground to have us lynched, with no remorse.  When will colour stop to be a metric for what one can do ? When will colour stop to be the ground upon...

A memoir on Transformation and Love: chapter 1-10

Previously, an introduction  to Tell it Boldly : I have lived a life of mistakes, of small and big wins, of self–introspection and of pure adulterated love; so many times, I have noticed, this life is built on the premise of giving, sharing and receiving: for both the haves and have-nots. If you decide to hide in the avalanche of lies, find comfort in the bed of lies, in a world already torn to pieces, by plagues, deceit, foolery, bad politics, war and terror, no one will ever ring the alarm, you have to be the point of light, whenever that is possible. Speak truth to power, to self, spread love and not hate, be kind, share your stories, they matter. Can I be honest? Truth – telling is expensive, you will ruffle feathers doing that; you will make very great enemies but also, very great friends, above the price of rupees.  In this book, so many of the things you will read are informed by what I have traversed growing through life. The promise we make to ourselves, if we e...

Unpopular opinion: Ashburg and Bobi Wine symptomatic of the cult of false worship

Bobi and Ashburg: Source There is so many activists world over who lie through their teeth, but as is often said, you can fool people but not all the time. So many innocent people often jump into the bandwagon because a particular individual speaks to their biases. It is called confirmation bias. Then when these people ditch you on the side of the road and find a new prince, you cry salty waters: sending out all slurs and memes, cursing, hosting hate rallies online and otherwise. Look, Bobi Wine and AshBurg are cut from the same cloth, both are fair-weather politicians. A one, Bobi Wine, who only grew to fame, politically, because he associated with Dr. Besigye through the year, an assertion so many deny; well, welcome to the human race.  Ashburg (see Bobi Wine) is a mere political intermediary: He is a young man whose besetting vices are self-righteousness and reductionism; he underestimates the force of political passions. He wishes to enjoy the fruits of politics without payi...

The Graduate: What next after University?

After graduation , where do we go from here? There used to be a false narrative that for anyone to be successful or take off in life, they should and must have a decent paying office job, something that has been debunked over and over again, the most successful people in the world didn’t attend college and /or had office gainful employment, they started their hustles and believed in them. It is true that getting a college degree gives a comparative advantage but what matters the most is translating the degree into a real life solution.   Having a shiny college degree and [or] so many of them isn’t a big deal, the real degree is, what can you do with it? I have a job today but do you know what else I do with my life? I dig. I go to the gardens, with garden tools and  do very great work there ; those you who have seen my gardens can attest to this, they are impressive. Do not let degrees blind you to the realities of life; there is more to life than academic credentials. ...

Tell it Boldly: A memoir on Transformation and Love

Upcoming memoir : the book cover Boldness? To wake up and decide to be bold is one of the greatest choices you can make in your personal life. Boldness isn’t just a word, it is a philosophy, and it is a whole template to a life well- lived. You don’t have to be a bully for you to be bold; you have to own your story, in lieu of everything that can go wrong, exude decency and move toward shining a light with your candle. Sometimes, as is the case with impostor syndrome, we are drowned into the illusion of insignificance, we believe the lie that we don’t matter, that our ideas aren’t worth sharing: we are always dealing with a 600 pound elephant in the room, always doubting ourselves. I have lived a life of mistakes, of small and big wins, of self–introspection and of pure adulterated love-so many times–I have noticed, this life is built on the premise of giving, sharing and receiving: for both the haves and have-nots. If you decide to hide in the avalanche of lies, find comfort in the ...

Dear mum, I am forever indebted.

Every time it is mother’s or women’s day, every day, I think about mum, she was a rock, a solid foundation for who I am today. I saw my mother give the best of herself to give us the life she didn’t have herself, I saw her work hard, I saw live to the true meaning of what it means to be a mother, dead as she is, she is and will forever be the greatest woman in my life: for that, I am thankful. THE WOMAN EVERY MAN, CHILD, NEEDS: OUR MOTHER, PATIENCE. Momma was a hard-worker; She woke up before everyone, always. Picked up her garden tool, the hoe; marched with ease to her garden. She did this for years; Yes, she was learned: And, she had an office job. But: that never stopped her, she dug every day; I swear momma set the bar so high! I told my sister a while back; That she does β€˜fit’ in momma’s shoes. Yes; the shoes are very bigβ€”and weighty; But she is trying. Not because she goes to the garden; because she learned her lessons. And she employs ...